The back laneI dunno wat shutter speed that i tuned. But manage to capture the flow skit skit. Poyo. Camera pekak pn leh gak
I was attempting to upload few pics that i took using the new camie.. A bit shy to post.. Ahakzz really la. For a freshie to publish her piece of work to be judge by the pros is a bit nerve breaking. heheh but i'm a thick skin ok..If i'm dare to be ugly, I'm dare to be not cleaver. Hehehe Learning process is a long journey. Critics and advices are among the recipe to success. I started armature photography during my matrix year.
When my late grandmother (Al-Fatihah), i noticed that the memory that i had with her were so limited. I hate to be in the photo back then as I'm far from photogenic. My face always so penyet and round (glanced through thr school yearbook then u'll know what i mean). My father and me bought my first digital camera. A konica minolta-dimage-xt while I'm working in Pearl Island Country Club while waiting to enter matrix. Nothing is free in my father's dictionary. He bought it after the spm result. I paid nearly rm700 for this. I used my hard earn money to buy it.
Siti jadi Duta for this model
Realising how much i've missed out the moments with my atuk, i started snapping picture just every where that i go, every events that i went. And i make sure that myself is in despite of how bad i look. I even won a lawak2 photography comp and won an N-gage with rm1000. That 1k was to be shared with other 10 frens. The Ngage is still with me until this very moment. This camera really captured the sweet and sour moments during those time. Until one day, my uni friend lost the casing of this camera, and followed by me misplacing the charger. The usage of this camera stopped. And I stopped taking photo, and increase my volume of being in the pics.heheheh.
Later, nearby my convo's day, i bought another camera. Nikon s550. A cool and good camera as well. But it ended up swimming in my bag when half of the tumbler content spilled on it. So it goes crazy till now. Not really reliable anymore. Sometimes easily on, sometimes couldn't on at all. Then my new camie d60. Hopefully this gedabak will last long la.. This is the biggest investment in my life at this moment. Cannot afford to lose it. No!!
Even using the compact digital camera, none of the pics that i snapped seems to look extraordinarily wow. All are just ok. But.. Nak perasan for a while, i always manage to capture smile and happiness in my pics. At least i can sense the happiness behind every pic that i took. Pictures represent our life long journey. Flipping through them will remind us the life we have been through and the memories behind every laughter and smile is very valuable that u cannot trade with anything in this world. Ya.. No trading for my pic with my atuk. Sad..So now, i want to snap as many pics i can, and be in as many photo as i can. So that i wil remember and be remembered..