Last Saturday syok leh!! hehehe i went to Kuala Sepetang with papa,mama,maklong,adik hitamku.. The night before was my night shift and i planned to go back early since i need to travel down to Taiping aroung 10. yet, An urgent order needs to be process and sent. I arrived home around 8. After short warm bath, i slept and was awake around 10.30 by my mama.. Imagine, i was with my pyjama, camera bag and belang-belang (selimut busukku..T_T) went into the car. Heheh some people said i mabuk kereta coz i tend to sleep once the car moved. Yet, it's a bad habit that couldn't get away. I will fall asleep easily despite of any position i am. With seat belt and small pillow, i slept the moment the tyre spin until the car stopped (arrived la tu). After salam with my mak long, i slept again.. hehehe the house was burnig hot (tambah dosa ku yang byk ni.. Astarfirullahalzim..) yet i still manage to sleep but not long.. 3 hours..hehehe then cannot tahan any more. I woke up for long refreshing bath and solat. Then went out...
Kuala Sepetang or known as Port Weld took around 30 minutes from Taiping. Along the road, there were stalls and stalls of Mee Udang. Kiri kanan.. The names mainly start with pak..or mak..as if so many pak n mak there.. hehehehe..The most seekable is Mee Udang Mak Teh.. Pergghhh orang beratur panjang tu babe..This is more or less similiar tu Laksa Janggus in Balik Pulau. But the crowd here was heavier. With buses and passer-by. We stopped and planned to settle here. With the amount of crowd, the makcik in the group (u know who) decided to call it off. Kedai lain!!..hehehe..
pas snap gambo ni, ada sekumpulan mamat bawa slr..malu dohh..simpan cepat2 dalam beg..

At last, we tried at this Mak Jang Mee Udang which less crowded. I'm no big fan of mee. So couldnt comment much on the Mee Udang. What i can say is boleh tahan la.. The mee texture is slightly diffrent than here. The mee is wider. No strong boric acid smell. The gravy not bad oso. can taste the sweetnest of the prawn..The prawn were deep sea prawn. My mama said that.. So the flesh is nicer of coz.. over all 3 stars.. The best is.. There are around 8 big prawns per plate and it costs only rm11. Mmg la rm11 is not cheap but if u compare the amont of bahan inside and the price, it's very reasonable d..
the prawn nicer outside than in here..hehehe

nama pn kedai..tak leh lari ngan sampah!!

Yaya.. Overexposure...


wah2..very shiok! bes nyaa dpt picnic kat kuala huhuhuh...kat sini picnic kat kolam udang ja huh
wiyah!sonok kau!hoho
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