Saturday, April 24, 2010

Seizure = Sawan

Just watched Private Practice in Star World.. Kengkadang terpikir gak.. apa la ako ni tak blajar rajin skit.. dah boley bw stethoscope tu merata..aihhh~~~ok ok..dah no sad sad.. Accept your destiny!! hehe

One of the segments in this week's episode introduced me to this word. I thought previously seizures means rampasan.. rupanya rupa nya sawan pn apply juga... It happens due to many factors. One of them is low glucose level.. The scientific term for this is hypoglycemia. The oxidation of glucose will produce energy. This energy is consumed by our body to carry on our daily activities. So when the level of glucose is low, the supply of energy to the brain decline, and followed by the seizure attack...

I’m not sure to say wow to people with hypoglycemia or not... coz... they can eat any amount of chocolate or sweet that they like, and they wont get fat nor overdose... hehehe so they'll usually carry sweet or marshmallow with them just in case they need the instant drug pn ada...heheh... susah lak kan.. If the mamak closed during public holiday and no sweet supply then this can actually lead to permanent brain damage...

maka.. Be thankful la kita..!!

mutiara hati : we are not in the position to ask people to do according to what we want (although our intension is good)..that's their right to decide... but we are the result of our action.. jeng jeng...


ShZamirah said...

i like ur bottom mutiara kata, very true! :)

farhani said...

dulu aku pown cita2 nak pegang menda alah stethoscope tuh merata..haa..