ako post nih dari cik ruby..so kelam kabut skit..we shall start with the main actors n actresses,..tp please bare in mind that suma ni my sarcastic opinion semata2...no offends.. U may agree or disagree..up to u..hehehe
Bella - She knows very well that she loves edward like gila gila..then at d same time she flirt with jacob..i was like..what?ya.. life has to go on.. The way to cure d broken heart will be start dating again.. Tp.. Geramnya.. Com on girl.. U heart broke, at d same time u want to break others?what is it so great about needing a constant partner by your side for her to live?edward left n she was like mayat hidup.. jacob came to her life..dia ok blk..then jacob wat hal skit dia down blk..mcm la dlm hidup mati dia tuk ada partner ja..makcik marah nih dia curang kt edward!!
Edward - i was hell into this guy..he used to be weird,strong,charismatic,n charming in d first one..and manage to drive me partially insane to buy some magazines with his pics n stories..siap jd cm stalker pn ada..asyk browse through the net for his gossip update..lokkooo!!! Ahh percaya la..tidak akan ako buat dh.. Tp this one, ako rasa cm he was over reacted.. Faking pn ada gak.. As if he tried too hard..not natural anymore..his aura definately off my reach or sense.. Their eye contacts were less fire and passion..
Jacob - a 17 years old boy with d wow bravo body...fuhh..breath..this guy..he knows he's good loking n he tried to be good looking in most of d scene..gaya cover macho gitu..kali ni mmg platform yg bnyk tonjolkan his character.. Not as good as expected.. Still sedikit kaku...
they definately need to go to acting class more n rehearse more n more for d next one.. Ako goyang kpala ja la..next time.. Dont put too high expecration on your interest..ull end up cursing them like me!!
Salehe Bembury x Crocs Pollex Cypress Boot
3 days ago
haha..pengkritik film..
nasib baik aku tak pernh lg rs nk stalker sapa-sapa..
so xda la high expectation to mana-mana actor/actress or muvi/film
hehehehe ako teraddict dkt dia..maka tok seh nak wat gapo dah..hehehe
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