The extended soap opera of life from different series have been bugging me lately..
The sad and the happy.. the rush and the blankness..
I’ve started to questioned my existence in this world..
What do I want to do? Or what am I trying to do..
With this two tengkorak hand, I tried and tried to do everything..
And none was completely done..
I’ve lost the focused that I never had..
drifting and sinking in the ocean of uncertainties..
I used to enjoy living in not knowing what to come next.. Horayy for the thrill..
Not sure if I felt the same now..
What I really feel like doing is to pack all my stuff and get away from all the mess..
ya.. I need an escape where I can tune the correct frequency and rethink back my next move.. Hopefully the day will come.. Where I’m able to breath and look at the world from different perspective..
InsyaAllah.. I pray for the day.. Amin..
Sometimes we will lost focus as this alwalys happen to least twice a years. Actually, this is the signal that we need to take a break ( hibernate at house or vacation ) and re-think what we really want..... Tough but I believe me this is just process of growing up!!!!
need a plan to escape?always consult the best escape bomoh a k a fievelski. come here la, lots of going on here. the theatre stuff, or poem reading if you're into it, private parties with no booze...(halal assured)..come la, join me mingle with all the stars, join my company as salahbrities...jom la..mai la KL..joms..get to know my newfound friends..writers, indie bands, absolutely amizing acoustic girl, prolific filmmaker.dan banyak lagi..mai la..
Yn - Ya..need a seaside lazy escape..Just lay there and burn to black..
F - Mmg nak p..Ya..wanted badly..But ako nak g dah time konvo..costly la nak g 2 kali..hmmm dah la kena bayar tuk penempatan..wawaw..takot n fobia ngan makck n the ajk geng..
neve mind..ada new hotel dekat bangi..murs jer!
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