This is like so not good.. Again.. I went for cheap movie day.. And watched Blood: the last vampire. With Yen Nee. Hehehe I thought of cancelling at first when seems like I was having so many thing to juggle. Then tepih sana cni.. Berjaya.. Waahhh I was eyeing for this movie since 2 weeks ago.. hahah for the sake of VAMPIRE!! Omputih konon..jumpa vampire versi Malaysia (Cik Pontianak) mati unconscious serta merta..heheheh…
To my disappointment..The movie plot was so lame and boring I supposed.. Too many killing of the half blood to her own kind.. And they call themselves vampire? Not even close….Yang paling tak tahan..it was like so girls movie.. The hero n heroin are both girls!! Face it la.. U need to add on some opposite gender to boast up the movie line..heheheh sakit mata ako watching girls only.. They concentrated so much on the effect and technical that they really neglect to tell the story in the interesting way. Maybe I’m not so sastera (I hate History during SPM!!)..hehehe..put aside the killing scences (too many!!) then this muvie can be watch by kids..So watever!!
So 0ut of 5 I give 2.. For the sake of the sword..
Hehehe - I give 1 out of 5 as this is really a boring movie. Besides that, I don't think the effect is superb as well. This is only my opinion....Hahaha.
But I enjoy watch movie with you....Hahaha - that the best part.
Xajak pn tgk wayang..
Luckily my weekly dose of mesti-pergi-tengok-wayang-minggu-ini-at-least-sekali-pun-jadilah is off temporarily.
Financial situation discourages the usual lavish splurge, or in simple term, i'm broke lah u see. However, we went to see this indie movie for free instead!!!
Mau kah download link-nyer? coz Adian is like uploaded 'em all online. The story is definitely not the kind of you'd find at mainstream cinema.
Vulgar words and racial slurs were like shown in full length one! Very very controversial one I tell u!.This time around manage to drag orang-yg-berchenta-bagai-nak-rak-tu p tengok cite ni.....
da lama x pi tgk wayang togather-gather..jom?
jom weyh..last skali p tengok muhksin kan?hoho..jom la weyh..
YN - Ya me oso enjoy the short hettic session..Ta bao ur nasi next time oso tau..hehehe we berkelah inside..
Salwa - at 12 la..U r sleeping dat time..Heheh we'll arrange 1 next time..
Faeez - Ako tau..hg pa g tgk gado!! 3 3 publish pasai cer tu..siut tul..Heheh lat lak bagitau ako kata nanti ada sale cam kat time square tu lagi kan?pesan dia suruh bli baju kat ako tau..bawah 30..hehehe..Tak pa aah, pas dapat cer korea yang hg tlg down load tu, ako bagi list baru..
PC - Fewww..No ghost story!!
alaa...baru ja nk pi tgk drag me to hell.
harap maklum. saya tidak menceritakan perihal menonton gadoh di blog. saya cuman memaparkan potret-potret yang dipotret sekitar tmpt kejadian. i will have myself retracted dari dunia maya in near future. Let me keep all the reason of my retrenchment to myself. I will slowly deactivate all my social networking one by one.
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