Parfum... that's how the French pronounce perfume.. Im sure many of you out there are regular perfume user which means you dont leave the house without it on certain occasion (office, shopping, meetings or even to mamak's ? o_O). frankly speaking.... i love being around people who smells nice coz i stink!!! ahakzz... some might have certain smell that reminds us of them whenever we come across similar smell.. so trademark!! and im always a big fan of trade mark..And some of the you out there... i know your smell!!! even meters away.... ^0^...why the heck i sound so weird? no seual harassment intention here okay.. nada!!!
i grew up smelling so sweaty from all the sports event and running here and there for chores (walking slow me down!!).. and aha.. up to this age... never had proper perfume before.. its either i bought some weird body shop's perfume and ended up donating the to others coz i barely finish half of the bottle after 2 years from the year i purchase... ahakz... then my bestie introduce me to body mist from Victoria Secret. Love it!!! but again.. the whole 250 ml took me ages to move the level down by 5 ml..?? hehehe and due to the frequent free fall of the bottle... the pressing knob hehehehe kaput!! ayyyyyyy...
Then recently been a regular visitor to Badjenid . They sell most of the hot selling perfume in the market but in the form of essential oil with as low as RM 2 per small bottle (the small one). Not sure whether it should be considered as generic coz the effect is much longer compared to the one selling in Guardian and Watson. So i bought.. ahakz... 4 small different flavor perfume (macam boley makan)..
and 2 bigger one.. 1big + 2 small for each me n my mother...People might questioned: Why cant u just buy the original one? soooo pretender!! nk guna barang mahal.. tapi tak mampu (macam ako kesah klau nk kata pn!!!)... hmmmm per original bottle is around RM 200 ++... for someone that still in search of her 'smell' shouldnt i start with minimal amount? (so diplomatic me~~~yuckksss!!!).. so... people.. wish this stinggan girl luck so that she'll find a suitable one among them.. because..... I WANT TO SMELL NICE...

hahha..habut..aku pon suka beli yang tiruan jaa...janji wangiiii...
haha.skali borong baru 65.tahan tujuh bulan, 7 hari, t jenis perfume boleh pakai.gitu
Ako nnti tlg tunjuk jalan gi kdai minyak wangi 2 ye? rasa mcm nak gi gakkkk
wow..ada kemajuan..
marina sudah wangiii
Fani - ^^ pelajar berjimat cermat...
Faeez - ahakz... hg pn bli di situ juga???? great!!!masih ingat saing g cari oceanus kt body shop ngan hg.. hehe n i even saw oceanus sold there!! tokojut ako!!
Sam - ok ok... !! dkt ngan traffic light.. sama row ngan kassim mustafa..corner lot.. hehehe
husni -wahhhhh yayyy...blum start pkai lagik.. heheheh
marina: yurpie2x!
abang: tau balai bomba jalan pantai? 30 kaki jer dari situ.
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