Friday, September 11, 2009

Meh Meh Cooking!!

Meh kita belajar masak hari ni..

2 days ago, i was on cooking mission. FORCED!! Just to share with u all while evrything is still fresh.. Its a chinese dish.. Salted vege with chicken. My mama modified the original recipe from my pa.. Hehehe in order to fit the taste bud of hers and mine.. So i think anyone out there will be no problem to enjoy this. The main ingredient is sayur masin or known as kiam chai. Its a salted sawi which i can purchase from market easily. I'll narrow down the making of as per below..

  • Salted vege / sayur masin / kiam chai (RM 2.50)
  • Bawang besar 4 biji (Dipotong 6 each)
  • bawang putih 2 biji (smashed wachaaaa!!)
  • Cabai kering (10 biji)
  • Ayam (Tulang-tulang)
  • Sotong kering kenit (8 ekor)
  • Serbuk lada putih 1 sudu teh (lada putih yg diblend sendiri yaa..)


  1. Clean sayur masin betul-betul. Clear off all the salts and rendam n tos a few time..tuk eliminate the salts yg terlalu banyak..
  2. Then letak minyak dalam kuali or periuk..
  3. Dump the bwg besar,bwg putih n cabai kering. Fry them till the cabai smelled.
  4. Add ayam + sotong kering and the sayur masin. Mix them all together.
  5. Add 2 big cups of water. Close the cover and go lepak watch tv ka..bla bla bla.. Check the water level. Kalau dah kering..Please add more.. It is supposed to be soupy soupy..
  6. After 25 minutes open d cover n Do U Smell Wat r U Cooking!!!!

Apa lagi.. Ako yg gong gong nil eh wat..i’m sure u all out there can perform better!! Yeahh!!


Unknown said...

'My mama modified the original recipe from my pa'

maksud ko, bapak ko cine ke?

Red Chopsticks said...

ohh..aha..napa?ko join d club gak ke?hehehe..weh apsal post ko yg terbaru tu tak ditemui..?

Unknown said...

join da club? opah aku cine.. layak ke? haha

post terbaru tu ada error.. aku delete.. sori..

Red Chopsticks said...

layak2..patut la mata ko kecik dari mata ako..hehehe

speckurosaklagi said... late grandma recipe cooking tis kiam chai masak lemak..
demm miss her..

Red Chopsticks said...

speckurosaklagi - apa lagi..try aah this one..can reduce the "miss"ness.. ;)