tetiba time makan cok badak, ako g capai camie...pastu malas nk comotkan camie ngan pusing2 n pulas2 telinga dia..ako pn kecak skali ja...dalam teko tu ada air teh..eheheh
Besides sonseng nim (cikgu: in korea) came back late for break fast.. Class ended late.. N i have to skipped the evening string's revision class.. My housing area was out of electric from 4.30 pm.. Maka kami pn berbuka dalam gelap la..Letihhhhh.. On top of all, i had one plate of rice with my fav - rebung masak lemak kt bakti.. hehehe my pa was complaining on the bau hancheng produced by the marinated rebung..ahh lantak..!! Tapi masak lemak yg paling sedap ako penah makan is by my matrix's roomate... Pergghh.. The flesh of the fish turn out to be so tender and soft while it was cooked with the mixture of spices and chilis.. Each bite gave a sensational feeling and the while the spices melt on the taste bud..!!Berpeluh babe...Pedas..
I'm a super big fan of asian food. Thai's, indian's and Nyonya's and malay's to be exact..hehehe sbb they complement all the 3 S: Spicy, sour and salty..Definately not a big fan of sweet thing.. If my mama buat kuih tu..malu alah la makan bg sokongan kat dia..hehehe...Chinese food? Yeahhh love soup.. Been brought up till today with variety of modified and simple soup.. The full stop stop there.. Other that soup, zipp to others..wooww.. bulan puasa cerita psal makan.. Western? leh aah give a few shots.. then that's it.. perut tempatan abis.. I'll still go for local's.. heheheh..
u got the title right..
meleleh air liur bile bace the sensational rebung masak lemak.. haha
eh..ko reti ke makan rebung?
This might come as a shock to you, but I think it's time. I am going to convert. Period. Please do not ask why, I have my reasons.
aku makan je.. haha..
nak kata kawan sejati.. sbb aku pun.. kalo melantak makanan melayu.. nyonya.. cina.. indian.. thai.. memang sejiwa la
kalo western.. adehhh aku rasa nak mengeliat skt. tambah laki aku penggemar makanan western. bila dia ajak aku p pekena western.. mengeliatttttttttt ja.. rasa mcm nak habaq xlalu.
bila dpt menu.. aku punya belek p mai p mai la.. sbb tak tau nak pilih
hahaha yeah high five..ingat muka kita time makan sushi hari tu..juling!! hahaha nasib sedap gak..
Faez - Converting from coke love to none coke lover?
Ja ah - hehehe ko org perak kan?sure ska makan tempoyak.. (T_T..xlalu)
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