Saturday, November 06, 2010

Dont Lose it..

Writing mode strike::::!!! oh yeah!!

I think some of u might be aware that i just came back from Cambodia. An annual reward to myself at least once a year im out of the country. The trip was great!!! With good traveling mates.. what else do u ask for..?? But orang tua-tua always cakap.. kita buat apa jangan seronok sangat.. jangan lupa beringat and berjaga-jaga..

I WAS literally ROBBED!!

this was exactly before i enter the night market.

To cut the story short. The beg that i was clinging on was cut from the back and the thief took my clutch with 100 USD (RM 300++), passport, cards... IC was in another wallet.. luckily!!

So here are the tips before going to any of the night market..
1. Do not bring along any beg. Put the money or any documentation in ur pocket.
2. Photocopy ur passport. Leave the original in the hotel. Never carry them out!!
3. Always prepare back up money in your hotel just in case any bad events like this happen again.

And what need to be done when you lost your passport:
1. Go to the nearest police station. Some country required tourist to report unfortunate event to the Tourist Police Centre (not the normal police station). So ask the nearest law enforcement officer where should u head to.
2. With the official police report (make sure there's always an english copy attached with the report that u made. can be ur own handwritten report), go direct to your country's embassy.
3. Prepare small sum amount of money for the emergency exit visa processing money. (not bribing!! normal fees)
4. With the letters from the embassy and temporary passport, go to the imegrsen office (usually situated near the airport).
5. Pass all the letters from the embassy to the imegresen office. (keep the original one!!)
6. The office will arrange a special officer from the tower to fetch you all lead you all the way through all the check points in the airport. ( u either are criminal or hot glam celeb.. i felt like a celeb instead... hahahaha)
7. With all the original documents, do la new passport!!! in ur own country la of coz..

The left is the normal passport. Right is the exit visa

p/s: please be careful. the whole process of redoing your passport is not easy!!! it takes lots of patience and luck.. but hey!! if it happens.. stay cool and be humble when u communicate with all the personnel. Do not rush them too obviously... !! and dont forget to thank them million times...!!


Unknown said...

trip yang best tapi dang!! malang sekali kau dirompak..

Red Chopsticks said...

hahahah tu aah... sbb ako leka!!!

Unknown said...

nvmd.. water under the bridge.. useful tips btw.. even kebarangkalian aku nk pi luar negara tu tipis.. hahah..

cucu Tok Hamzah said...

next trip I'm sure ko lebih berhati-hati, nway love the pic~ semacam gmbr wayang ong bak